GLOW UP with
21 days to full expression
Sexual, creative and spiritual freedom through expression!
May 12th - June 1st
This is a 21-day challenge like no other! "Challenge" really isn't the best word for what this entails so we're calling it an experience. If you've been thinking about trying a Yoni Egg but are skeptical to begin with no guidance, if you feel you have untapped energy and creativity waiting to be released, if you're looking for new ways to "let go"...this experience is for YOU!!
It is my deep belief that practicing restraint in ANY area of your life will limit your full expression in ALL areas of your life. Therefore, the secrets to a fulfilling sex life begin with letting go way before the bedroom. And secrets to having a creative, expressive career begin way before you enter the office or boardroom. For three weeks, get used to what it feels like to truly GLOW UP and release your full expression in all areas of life!
Choose the Yoni Egg that speaks to you (you'll receive TWO sizes of your stone of choice with this unique experience), sign up solo or with a buddy (hint...there's savings if you bring a friend along), and prepare to unleash your yoni goddess power! By day 22, you'll have a brand new idea of what it feels like to live passionately, freely and of course...all GLOW'd UP! Limited seats are available so sign up today before registration closes, April 30th!
I can't wait to journey with YOU!
Fatima Marie