I'm a little late sharing this but last weekend was the first weekend of Summer and fully encompassed every reason I LOVE the summertime! Like, seriously! People were out, weather was nice, I saw family, I saw friends, I had a really good time! See some pics below...
Got me to thinking....what am I going to be up to the rest of my favorite season of the year? Hmmm...travel, for sure! Roller-skating, half marathon training (pray for me!), pizza tour of NY for sure, trapeze school, building these businesses and getting this money! LOL!
What are some things you'll be up to this summer? Talk to me! And follow my Summer on Instagram (@lovetimamarie) with the hashtags #SexyLoveSummer16 #efftherulebook #liveonpurpose #loveonpurpose #frolicon
Frolic on, my loves! Frolic on!
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